Destination Wedding Photographer, Sarah & Mihai – Durham, North Carolina

Documentary Wedding Photography

Sarah & Mihai, 07.05.2017

Destination Wedding Photography

I captured a word: destination.

They say you know when you’re in the right place when you’re greeted by flowers and a door you don’t have to knock on. It’s the same for when you know you reached the right heart: smiles welcome you and you don’t have to knock. Ah, yes, and the resident dog doesn’t bark at you.

Sarah and Mihai got to their destination when they found each other. With their names forever on tree bark, like in childhood sweethearts love stories. In May light, through the pictures in the memories frame, put there to dry the happiness tears, I followed them, to document their journey to the new adventure.

Black and white, like the sketch of a city from the mountains of Romania, miles away, like the curiosity of a child behind a door in a grownup world ready to celebrate, the road spreads clear and even, and Mihai steps on it barefoot first. He trusts there are no dreams to trample on and no unseen borders.

And her borders, when she can feel them through tears, are the arms of those who love her. They say to her she is safe here, in terribly sweet letters, ideas and words about what she is and why she deserves this perfect destination in the story she lived until now.

Sometimes, tickets to ideal destinations are small things, like tie knots and a handwritten thank you. And that is because those destinations are family and friends. They travel to you and you towards them and somewhere, exactly where it should, you find your words and each other and you hear Congratulations and Best wishes and Drink up!

A no man’s land doesn’t exist in their story and the gate’s Cerberus is a pug disguised in cool or traditional outfits. Pathways are colors, in delicate shades, like the trail left behind by a plane to somewhere, like a soap balloon released to anywhere.

And if he doesn’t look when she approaches, is because he’s getting ready, the eternal masculine feature to seem strong when overwhelmed. And she laughs, the eternal feminine way to hide the emotions before that first look that embraces her, even before she is hugged and held close.

From there, the moment they held hands and created their own country, it was all play. A basketball game with a ball of emotions, where he flies to the sky carried by arms and she floats over nature supported by lace and veil. Love never misses a destination that waits at the end of your vows, with some tears and much more wide smiles.

They’ll pass under so many gateways, they’ll dance on so many floors, by the light of the sunset over the sea, or by the maddening sweet light of candles, like now, because their world is made of two and they’ll never miss it, because it’s never going to be left behind. Just when I was imagining, near these fearless people, that I witnessed, with my camera, the arrival to their destination, Sarah and Mihai showed me that even if you have one and you find it, and you live it and celebrate it, it is just the first step. The adventure comes after.

I thought I was capturing a word. Instead, they told a story.

The bride’s preparations : Washington Duke Inn & Golf Club

The groom’s preparations: Sarah and Mihai’s house

Ceremony: Sarah P. Duke Gardens

Wedding venue: The Cookery, Durham-North Carolina

Videographer: Timeless films by Razvan Cosma

A thousand images for the same word by Andrei Dumitrache – Documentary Wedding Photographer

The story of those images, by Cătălina în cuvinte


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